Developing Christian leaders who are rooted in faith, committed to service, and dedicated to academic excellence.
We do so by:
- Ensuring that all members of our community are accepted for who they are and given opportunities to flourish.
- Understanding that children’s first teachers are and will always be their families. We will work hand-in-hand with families to make sure family needs are understood and met.
- Educating children entrusted to our care with love, attention, professionalism, discipline, and by setting high standards and academic excellence that each student can achieve.
- Contributing to the community by encouraging all of our students and staff to participate in community service.
- Preparing all students to be active members of their spiritual, civic and social communities.
St. John Lalande Catholic School is dedicated to students, family, and faith. We will empower all students to reach their full academic potential and their fullest giftedness as manifestations of the Spirit of God. Based in a strong inclusive faith, we will provide community involvement and individual attention for each student and their families in a safe, Christ-centered environment. We believe that investing in our children is investing in the future of our Church, our community and our world.
- Christ-centered and faith-filled education and life
- We believe that a life guided by God leads us to live moral, faithful and fulfilled lives.
- Our Catholic morals and values are reflected in everything we do, from educating our children to making sure each student is encouraged to reach their own God-given potential.
- This means that we accept our responsibility for empowering our children to grow to their fullest giftedness as manifestations of the Spirit of God. Committed to family and community.
- We know that parents have the first obligation and the right to educate their children (Canon Law 793). Parents are the first teachers of their children and should be recognized as such. We will support our students and families to the best of our ability.
- We believe that community service helps our students become effective, compassionate adult.
- We believe each child is responsible for their own social and academic behavior; it is our duty as educators and families to help children learn to be responsible people. These elements are critical for the foundation of life-long learning.
- We know that when educators and families work together, students benefit. Fostering acceptance, respect and safety
- We know that each person perceives and internalizes in a unique style and time frame. We are dedicated to accepting each student where they are, respecting who they are and helping them develop their God-given talents and abilities.
- We know that parents have entrusted us with their most precious children. We are committed to honoring that trust and ensuring the safety of each and every student.
- We lead through example by respecting ourselves, each other, and our communities, based in strong Catholic values. Pursuing academic excellence
- We believe education is about loving, giving, caring, serving, and knowing. Education is about striving to be the best one can be, yet being reasonable in that pursuit. As educators, we nurture a child’s natural curiosity and thirst for knowledge, promoting life-long learning, and responsibility.
- We know that each student learns in their own way and at their own pace; we believe that each child will thrive when educated in a supportive, structured, safe environment.
- We understand that educating children to be good community members, compassionate, and ethical people is the best investment we can make in the future of our community.
EDUCATION and CURRICULUMSt. John LaLande provides high quality educational services for Preschool through Grade 8, including full-day Kindergarten. We uphold high academic standards including a strong emphasis in the traditional subject areas of math, reading, science, language arts and social studies. Our specials classes include art, music, physical education, and technology.
RELIGIOUS EDUCATIONAt St. John LaLande, religion is not merely a specialized subject, but an integral part of the entire school program. All students attend regularly scheduled religion classes. Grades K-8 attend Mass weekly. Students also participate in additional prayer opportunities throughout the year including Adoration of the Eucharist, Living Rosary, and Stations of the Cross.